Home Construction Accidents Ladder Accidents

Omaha Ladder Accident Lawyer

Seeking Maximum Compensation for Ladder Accident Injuries in Omaha

Ladders are an essential tool used by construction workers, roofers, and painters. Workers face severe injuries when ladders don’t work right or when employees aren’t properly instructed on how to use them. Roofing companies, house painters, and general contractors all utilize ladders in their work – and all can be found right here in Omaha.

If you were injured in a ladder-related accident, contact Bottlinger Law L.L.C. We’ll represent you throughout your claim, and we’ll look for ways to pursue additional compensation from negligent third parties.

Jason Bottlinger belongs to the exclusive Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and Bottlinger Law L.L.C. has a perfect A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Call (402) 505-8234 to schedule a free consultation with an Omaha construction accident attorney today.

What Causes Ladder Accidents in Omaha?

Ladder accidents in Omaha often stem from a few common issues. One significant cause is the improper use of ladders that results when employers instruct workers to use ladders for purposes not intended by the manufacturer.

Defective equipment is another major concern. Ladders that are poorly designed or manufactured can collapse or fail even when used correctly. Employer negligence contributes to ladder accidents as well. This includes failing to provide safe, well-maintained equipment or adequate training on how to use ladders safely.

The Role of Employers and Supervisors in Ladder Safety

Employers in Omaha have a critical role in ensuring ladder safety in the workplace. They are responsible for providing equipment that meets safety standards and is well-maintained. This includes conducting regular inspections for potential defects and wear that could lead to accidents. Construction and roofing businesses must offer comprehensive training programs to educate employees on correct ladder usage, safety procedures, and how to recognize common hazards.

Inadequate training is a significant factor in the occurrence of ladder accidents in Omaha. Without proper instruction, workers may not be aware of the correct procedures for setting up, ascending, descending, and working on ladders safely. This lack of knowledge can lead to misuse, which increases the risk of falls and injuries. Training should not only cover the basics of ladder use but also the identification of potential hazards, such as unstable surfaces or overhead power lines.

Employers and supervisors should create a culture of safety where employees feel empowered to report unsafe conditions. Failure to implement these safety measures can be considered employer negligence. When accidents occur due to an employer's failure to uphold their safety obligations, they may be held liable for the resulting injuries.

Defective Equipment Lawsuits in Omaha

When a ladder accident occurs, the equipment itself may be to blame. Defective ladders can lead to severe injuries, and the manufacturer of such equipment may be held liable. This type of liability falls under product liability law, where manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their products are safe for use. If a ladder fails due to poor design, substandard materials, or inadequate safety warnings, the manufacturer might be considered the hidden culprit in the accident. Pursuing a claim against a manufacturer requires proving that the ladder was indeed defective and that this defect directly led to your injuries.

Frequent Injuries Caused by Ladder Accidents

Ladder injuries can lead to temporary or permanent disabilities, impacting a person's ability to work and significantly reducing their quality of life. When a worker falls off of a ladder, the impact can result in serious bone fractures, especially in the limbs or spine. This can lead to long-term disability and the need for extensive medical treatment. In some cases, the injury is so severe that it necessitates the amputation of a limb or appendage. This is a life-altering event that affects the victim's ability to work and perform daily tasks.

Lacerations are another common injury from ladder accidents in Omaha. These cuts can range from superficial to deep wounds that may damage underlying tissues and result in significant blood loss. Spine injuries may cause partial or complete paralysis. Nerve damage caused by ladder accidents may cause loss of sensation, chronic pain, and permanent paralysis. The emotional and psychological impact of ladder accident injuries can be profound, often requiring counseling and long-term support.

How Your Omaha Ladder Accident Attorney Can Help

If your ladder accident occurs on the job, Bottlinger Law L.L.C. will help you navigate the often complex legal system. Our role begins with a thorough evaluation of your case, assessing the circumstances of your accident and the extent of your injuries. We’ll ensure that your claim is filed correctly and within the necessary time frames.

Workers' compensation benefits are designed to support employees who have suffered work-related injuries, such as those from ladder accidents. Understanding what these benefits cover is key to ensuring you receive the assistance you're entitled to. Typically, workers' compensation will cover your medical expenses, including emergency care, hospital stays, and ongoing treatments like physical therapy. It also compensates for lost wages if your injury prevents you from returning to work immediately. In some cases, if an injury leads to permanent disability, benefits may include long-term financial support.

Bottlinger Law L.L.C. will pursue additional compensation by filing personal injury lawsuits against negligent third parties. We will thoroughly investigate all aspects of the accident to identify liable third parties that may include:

  • Manufacturers of defective equipment
  • Property owners who fail to maintain a safe environment
  • Independent contractors
  • Equipment vendors

Types of Compensation Available After a Ladder Accident

Compensation for medical expenses covers both the visible and the often-overlooked hidden costs that follow a ladder accident. The visible costs include emergency room fees, surgeries, medication, and any immediate medical treatments necessary after the incident. Additional costs include follow-up doctor visits, physical therapy, and medical devices needed for rehabilitation and long-term assisted living care.

Calculating damages for pain and suffering involves considering the severity and longevity of your injuries, and how they affect your daily life and overall well-being. Although workers' compensation typically doesn't cover pain and suffering, personal injury lawsuits against third parties do. Your attorney will also pursue damages that cover lost wages, reduced earning potential, physical therapy, and job retraining for workers whose injuries require them to find a new career.

When a worker dies due to a ladder accident, survivors have the right to file a wrongful death claim seeking damages for the loss of financial and emotional support.

You Won’t Owe Us Anything Unless We Win You Money

Bottlinger Law L.L.C handles cases on a contingency basis. Your initial consultation is completely free, and you won’t owe us anything unless we win you money.

Call (402) 505-8234 to learn more today.

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Membership in this group is restricted only to attorneys who have won multi-millions dollar verdicts for their clients.


Jason Bottlinger has been named one of the Top 40 Lawyers under the age of 40 in the state by The National Trial Lawyers organization.

Our firm has a perfect A+ from the Better Business Bureau of Nebraska, which grades based on 13 different factors.

“Can’t recommend enough. Jason and his staff were professional, pleasant, and explained the whole trust/ will process thoroughly and in terms I could understand. Just a very positive experience with something I was admittedly far from excited to do.”
- D.T. from Google