Home Premises Liability Legionnaires’ Disease

Omaha Legionnaires’ Disease Attorney

Lawyer in Omaha Helps Victims of Legionnaires’ Disease

Legionnaires’ disease poses significant health risks, especially in public settings where water systems are not properly maintained. The disease causes severe health consequences, and it may be fatal.

If you or a loved one was injured due to unsanitary conditions that caused a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak, contact an Omaha premises liability attorney at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. right away. We can consult with local health authorities and conduct a thorough investigation. Then, we can file a claim against anyone whose negligent actions contributed to your injuries.

Bottlinger Law L.L.C. has been helping people in Omaha for over 15 years. Jason Bottlinger is a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, and he was named a Top 100 Lawyer by the National Trial Lawyers. Bottlinger Law L.L.C. can follow the trail wherever it leads to find out who is responsible for the harm you have suffered.

Call Bottlinger Law L.L.C. at (402) 505-8234 to schedule a FREE consultation today.

What Is Legionnaires’ Disease?

Legionnaires’ disease is a serious type of pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacteria, which may be found in water systems in places like large buildings. The disease can spread by inhaling contaminated water droplets. It was first discovered in 1976 when an outbreak occurred at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia. This incident affected almost 200 attendees and resulted in about 30 deaths.

The symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease are similar to pneumonia; its most likely victims are older adults, smokers, and people with weakened immune systems. Early treatment with antibiotics is essential for reducing the risk of severe complications and improving recovery outcomes.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched an extensive investigation of the Philadelphia outbreak. They discovered that the formerly unknown bacteria had contaminated the convention hotel’s air conditioning system. Since then, numerous outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease have been linked to similar sources. These findings underscore the importance of vigilant maintenance and monitoring of water systems in public buildings to prevent the spread of the disease.

What Are the Symptoms of Legionnaires’ Disease?

The most common symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease include high fever, often exceeding 104°F, accompanied by chills, persistent coughing, muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can sometimes also be present. In severe cases, confusion or other mental changes might develop, particularly in older adults.

How Does Legionnaires’ Disease Spread?

Legionella bacteria thrive in water systems, making certain public environments particularly susceptible to contamination. Cooling towers, hot tubs, and decorative fountains are frequent culprits for the spread of Legionnaires’ disease because they can aerosolize contaminated water, allowing the bacteria to be inhaled.

Poorly maintained plumbing systems and water heaters that do not maintain adequate temperatures can harbor the deadly Legionella. Spas and swimming pools are major risk areas, especially if they are not properly disinfected.

Hotels and resorts that use large-scale water systems to supply guest rooms, pools, and spas are prime targets for Legionnaires’ disease. Cruise ships are another high-risk environment, given their enclosed spaces and reliance on centralized water systems.

Hospitals and healthcare facilities are particularly vulnerable due to the presence of patients with weakened immune systems, combined with the use of large air conditioning and water delivery systems. Office buildings and apartment complexes can pose a significant risk if their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are not well-maintained.

Tips to Prevent the Spread of Legionnaires' Disease

Preventing Legionnaires' disease requires vigilant maintenance and monitoring of water systems. Regular inspection and cleaning of such systems can help prevent Legionella bacteria from breeding. Water temperatures should be maintained at levels that inhibit bacterial growth. That means storing hot water above 140°F (60°C), maintaining circulating hot water above 120°F (49°C), and storing and maintaining cold water below 68°F (20°C) while avoiding 77–113°F (25–45°C).

Implementing a comprehensive water management plan, which includes risk assessment and routine testing for Legionella, is crucial for facilities like hotels, hospitals, and office buildings. Pools and hot tubs must be regularly tested for chlorine, Bromine, and pH levels. Staff must also be trained on proper procedures and emergency response protocols to protect guests and employees.

Legionnaires' Disease and Premises Liability Law in Omaha

Premises liability law holds property owners, employees, managers, and residents accountable for maintaining a safe environment for visitors. When an outbreak of Legionnaires' disease occurs due to an inadequately maintained water system, affected individuals may have grounds for legal action.

The principle of negligence is central to a premises liability case — everyone has a duty of care to avoid actions that may cause reasonable foreseeable harm to others. Failure to conduct routine inspections, ignoring health department regulations, lack of proper protocols, or failing to address guest complaints are all actions that may result in liability.

Were You Exposed to Legionnaires’ Disease in Omaha?

If you suspect that you have contracted Legionnaires' disease, seek immediate medical attention! Make sure to inform your healthcare provider about any recent stays in hotels, cruise ships, hospitals, or other facilities where Legionella exposure might have occurred. You should also report your illness to local health authorities so they can investigate the source of the outbreak and prevent further infections.

Bottlinger Law L.L.C. can also build a compelling case by demonstrating the property owner's negligence and its direct link to your illness. We can handle all communications with the negligent parties and their insurance companies, negotiating a settlement on your behalf. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we are always prepared to represent you in court, advocating for maximum compensation.

Contact an Omaha personal injury lawyer at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. today at (402) 505-8234 if you suspect you’ve contracted Legionnaires’ disease by property negligence. Learn more about how we can help your premises liability case.

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